Tuesday, March 03, 2009


As a comedian and writer on Saturday Night Live I thought Al Franken was a brilliant comedian and loved his skits. However, in the last few years he has flaunted his ultra-liberal positions in our faces. Now I will tell you, I do not consider myself a Republican or Democrat. I vote on the issues. There is no black or white only shades of grey. I believe most of Americans either slightly conservative or slightly liberal, not extremist like Franken and Limbaugh. I am slightly conservative but am liberal on some issues. Anyway, I do not like the way Franken is trying to get into the Senate; therefore, I just wanted the populus to know what is going on in Minnesota.

ST. PAUL – In a brazen attempt to stop validly cast ballots from being counted, the Al Franken for Senate campaign today (January 26) filed a brief asking that the three judge panel to not allow for previously rejected absentee ballots to be reviewed, opened and counted. The Franken campaign had previously sought the review of these ballots, but now oppose counting validly cast ballots while. The Coleman campaign strongly opposes this motion as it will disenfranchise the thousands of Minnesotans whose absentee ballots were rejected.

“Minnesotans should be outraged by the effort to disenfranchise thousands of Minnesotans who wanted their voices heard on Election Day,” said Cullen Sheehan, campaign manager. “It was our hope that the Franken campaign would join us in enfranchising Minnesota voters, and join with us to see that these ballots are reviewed. Unfortunately, they are aggressively making every effort to keep the people of Minnesota – regardless of their political affiliation or who they voted for – from having their votes reviewed and possibly counted.”

On January 23, 2009, the Coleman campaign filed a reverse class action suit on behalf of the nearly 12,000 voters who had their absentee ballots rejected. The suit means that in addition to the 64 individuals supporting Mr. Franken who already filed a suit, every one of the nearly 12,000 voters would receive the same equal protection under the law to have their votes reviewed and potentially counted.

This weekend Senator Coleman wrote to Mr. Franken asking him to join the Coleman campaign effort to see that all legally cast ballots are counted during the election contest while the campaign released a webvideo calling on Franken to renew his pledge to see that every validly cast Minnesota ballot is counted. The video can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/colemanforsenate. From the Fargo Forum.

ST. PAUL – Feburary 24-Al Franken’s campaign now wants to remove a pile of northwestern Minnesota ballots from the U.S. Senate election tally as Norm Coleman’s team nears the end of its court case. The Democrat’s campaign said 61 Becker County ballots should be removed from the election tally because local officials did not follow state law about ballot documentation and storage. New evidence was found in recent weeks indicating the votes, which favored Coleman, should not have been counted, Franken’s campaign said Monday. That is among arguments Franken attorneys will make in their case before the three-judge panel presiding over the election trial, which is in its fifth week. From the Fargo Forum