Tuesday, February 27, 2007

*NSFW* American Idol Contestant Antonella Barba Nude Pix

These pictures of Antonella Barba, are rumored to being leaked by ex-best friend a failed Idol contestant. Look other posts to find some hardcore pics of Antonella. CNN stated this morning that she denies that the hardcore pictures are her but her freind says that they are indeed her. I don't think she'll make it past this week's round. See all the pics here.

read more digg story

1 comment:

snakeflake said...

I don't even watch American Idol and would not of even heard of this girl it were not for the "discovery" of these photos.
I am not sure she "torpedoed" her career as much as just exchanged one career (whatever her talent was) for another (porn). There are people out there that probably would have never heard of her before this.